Mexican War, Annexation of Texas

June 6, 1837

Here Garrison suggests an urgent agenda item to those who are preparing for an annual meeting of the New Hampshire Anti-Slavery Society.   “… never have I regarded the anti-slavery cause to be in such peril — never have I had so little hope of the peaceful overthrow of slavery in our midst — never have I regarded the existence of this nation in so much jeopardy, as at the present time. There is every probabilty that we are speedily to be involved in a war with Mexico, ostensibly to redress injuries, but really to extend slavery and the slave trade…. But the crowning calamity which threatens us, is the annexation of Texas to our Union, at the session of Congress in September.  Should this awful event happen, I do not see any hope for the slaves of the south — for the freemen of the North — or for our guilty, though still beloved country….”   1

1 Letters of William Lloyd Garrison – Volumes I – VI